Together, we can build a better Espoo



Meri Löyttyniemi, Green City Councillor in Espoo – candidate on 13 April 2025


Member of the City Council in Espoo 2021-25 as a representative of the Green Party and the deputy chair of our Green group from August 2021. I am also chair of Sustainable Espoo -programme, member of Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council and vice member of the corporate group of Espoo.

I will continue promoting a more sustainable economy and improvements to education and sport & leisure. I am also a member of “ViiTe”, Finnish Greens for Science and Technology.

Who I am

I am an experienced sustainability professional, a long-term Green influencer and a 52 year old mother. In my primary job as a specialist in sustainable development at Aalto University, and through various positions of trust, I have built up an in-depth expertise of how good cooperation can achieve impressive results. In August 2021 I started my 2 year study leave by being a doctoral student at University of Jyväskylä, School of Business. As a pragmatic economist, I want to secure the success of responsible businesses in Espoo. Through research and education, we are already shifting towards a more comfortable, carbon-neutral and sustainable city.

Involvement with the local community since 1998

I have lived in Espoo since 1998, first in Tapiola’s Tuohivirsu and from 2001 in Toppelund on the border between Haukilahti and Westend. I am active in our children´s schools and hobbies, play sport myself and take part in cultural events, so everyday life in Espoo is very familiar. I am passionate about improving the world in every aspect of our lives. I am able to look at things holistically and I recognise how a small deed can make all the difference, as well as how important reliability is.


What people say

“I have known Meri as a fellow member of the platforms & hubs management team at Aalto University, where Meri has been leading the Aalto Sustainability Hub. Meri has made a fantastic and groundbreaking contribution at Aalto; as both the figurehead and deliverer of sustainability at the university. These two aspects reflect on her character; she is not only a great convincer, strategist and negotiator but also a fabulously hard worker who brings forward not just words but actions. She is a also an empathetic, kind and inspiring colleague. With these skills and character she is ideally suited to represent the citizens of Espoo in the development of their city towards a better future!”
Sam Cross, D.Sc. (Tech.) Manager – Energy, Networking Platform, Aalto University, Kauniainen

“Meri has been helping to facilitate several projects and course works since the initiation of the Creative Sustainability Master’s programme at Aalto University in 2010. Her open approach, wide expertise, and broad understanding on topics of sustainability has helped to push sustainability to serve as one main aspect in the university agenda. She has also been an essential actor in networking between Nordic universities, and in developing several student and staff initiatives to promote campus sustainability.”
Tatu Marttila, post-doctoral researcher and lecturer in Creative Sustainability programme, Aalto ARTS Design

You can find more testimonials in Finnish and Swedish here. Together, we can build a better Espoo.

If you want to join my support group or receive my newsletter in Finnish 2-4 times a year, send your email to meri.loyttyniemi (at)

Sustainable economy

  • With sustainable investment and disciplined growth, the city economy strengthens
  • Fair, socially sustainable and carbon-neutral procurement on products and services


  • Higher education as a driver of success
  • Lifelong learning – educational opportunities for all and libraries as shared living rooms
  • Schools and services nearby, also in Swedish and English

Sports / Leisure

  • Diverse sports and cultural services make the city pleasant and attractive
  • Affordable sports venues as well as outdoor activities in the local nature increases well-being
  • Everyday commuting and mobility needs to be accessible and efficient

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